CMS Compliance

Looking back so we can look forward
by Rebecca Alwine This year brought much turmoil to the world. Politics merged with...

CMS Emergency Preparedness Myths & Realities
by Rebecca Alwine As nursing home horrors continue to unfold in Texas and Florida,...

Medicare Emergency Preparedness Rules Appear Prescient
by Rick Christ Every few years, America’s state of unpreparedness is made...

6 Ways to Help You Understand the New CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule
by Rick Christ After speaking with dozens of long-term care administrators, hospice...

Why After-Action Reports matter and why you need to start writing (and reading) them!
by Rebecca Alwine Everyone learns from experience. The best document to capture that...
Emergency Management

Take Advantage of the Downtime to Plan Ahead
(...) by Rebecca Alwine There’s a small window on the calendar where emergency...

11 Things You Need to Know About the Disaster Recovery Reform Act
In late November, H.R. 4460, affectionately called the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) was introduced by Rep. Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania.

Top 5 of 2017
A quick list of our top blog posts in 2017

Real-Life Disasters Teach us to Always Be Prepared
The effects of Hurricane Maria are still front and center in Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico’s $300M Electricity Restoration Plan
The ultimate resolution of both the deal-making questions and, more importantly, Puerto Rico’s power grid, remain.

Documentation of Cooperation and Collaboration
by Rick Christ The typical facility's Condition of Participation now reads, “Include...

What You Need to Know About the Proposed Rule Changes to CMS
by Rick Christ Barely ten months into the enforcement period of the Emergency...

Long-term Care Facilities and Directors Charged in Fire Evacuation Failure
by Rick Christ When wildfire swept through the Santa Rosa, California area in...

Hurricane Forecasting Improvements – No More Excuses for Inaction
by Rick Christ In the last 25 years, hurricane prediction has become increasingly...

Quality over Quantity – Does that apply to water?
by Rebecca Alwine Without a doubt, water is the one thing we all need to have in an...
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